QuickReply.ai vs Netcore: Why QuickReply.ai is the best alternative to Netcore

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Why QuickReply.ai is the best alternative to Netcore for WhatsApp Business API

With over a billion active monthly users, it's no surprise that Facebook-owned WhatsApp dominates the mobile messaging market. WhatsApp has a whole set of tools, features, and functionalities that can be used to engage with customers in a whole new way.

Today, the app has grown to become a hub for all kinds of businesses, including small, medium, and large enterprises. It’s a great way to connect with customers, answer queries, and provide customer support 24/7.

But what if you can’t attend every call or message? How would you ensure that every customer gets their query resolved? What if you could automate your customer support process and reduce human intervention?

Enter AI-powered WhatsApp Business API providers!

If you want to get started with the best WhatsApp Business API provider, it's a hard choice. There are tons of competitors and it's impossible to test them all. In this article, we’re taking a detailed look at why QuickReply.ai is an effective alternative to Netcore as a WhatsApp Business API solution provider for eCommerce businesses.

QuickReply.ai vs Netcore: Why QuickReply.ai is the best alternative to Netcore for WhatsApp Business API

In the following sections, we compare the two WhatsApp Business API service providers - QuickReply.ai and Netcore for the features, technology and the usability they have to offer to ecommerce businesses, to help you choose the best WhatsApp Business API solution.

Provides advanced customer segmentation based on behavioral profiling

To be successful in your marketing efforts, you need to understand your audience and their needs.

However, it’s highly unlikely that all your customers will have the same needs, requirements, and expectations from your brand.

The best way to deliver an excellent customer support system is by implementing an effective customer segmentation system. This allows you to reach the right customers with the right assistance/offers at the right time.

Unlike Netcore, QuickReply.ai lets you segment your customers based on their interests and/or demographics.

Using QuickReply.ai’s customer segmentation lets you -

  • Reach target audiences faster and easier than ever before!
  • Increase sales - Segmenting your audience helps you create targeted offers that appeal to each group's needs and interests.
  • Increase engagement - When visitors see relevant information about a subject they're interested in, they'll be more likely to engage with messages — which means more opportunities for conversions!
  • Create better customer relationships - Get a better understanding of what your customers' needs are and how you can improve their products or services based on those needs.

Helps in drip campaigns

Drip Marketing is a marketing strategy where you send your leads content over time. It helps you to engage your customers and build trust, which in turn increases the likelihood of them buying from you.

It is also a great way to make sure that your customers can find you even if they are not actively searching for your products or services.

QuickReply.ai can help you effectively manage your drip campaigns.

For example, with QuickReply.ai’s ability to leverage behavioral and transactional data, you can use automation to convert COD orders to prepaid. Sending out these payment reminders manually to each customer would be messy and possibly impossible if your sales volume is high.

In comparison, Netcore offers very limited automation capabilities. Thus, sending action-triggered yet personalized WhatsApp messages to boost your customer engagement and sales is not easy to execute with Netcore.

This means that you’ll be missing out on transactional updates, review and feedback requests, and much more.

A WhatsApp marketing platform built for eCommerce

In order to grow your eCommerce business, you will need powerful tools that are built considering eCommerce requirements and pain points.

General tools that cater to a wide variety of clients will not be able to address your use cases. That’s why, unlike Netcore, QuickReply.ai fits in perfectly to turn conversations into more sales on your Shopify store through WhatsApp marketing.

QuickReply.ai is fully dedicated to WhatsApp marketing campaigns for eCommerce businesses and has been created with this purpose in mind from the beginning.
Some of the eCommerce compatibility features on QuickReply.ai include -

  • Recover abandoned carts with WhatsApp drip campaigns
  • Convert COD orders to prepaid on WhatsApp to reduce RTO, decrease NDR, and secure more sales
  • Keep your customers in the loop with timely Order alerts/notifications
  • Win-back customers to increase repeat visitors and sales with dedicated message flows
  • Pre-trained AI assistants for eCommerce
  • 40+ helpful pre-trained bots that can enhance the shopping journey, including

    Welcome Bot
    Product Browsing Bot
    Discount Bot
    Shipping Charges Bot
    Order Tracking Bot
    Order Cancellation Bot
    COD availability Bot
    Repeat Order Bot
    Payment Options Bot

Provides fully customizable flows

Netcore’s main goal is to simply streamline internal processes. Thus, it will not help you provide the best communication channel to foster better customer relationships.
QuickReply.ai’s primary focus is on helping businesses engage with their customers through conversational interfaces. It has been designed specifically to help businesses provide relevant answers in real-time, thus increasing customer satisfaction while reducing support costs at the same time!

A workflow is an automated set of tasks that are performed in order to achieve an objective. For example, if you want to send a simple “thank you” message to all your customers who buy something from your store, then it’s possible to do so with QuickReply.ai.

It helps you keep your customers in the loop and delight them with timely alerts using workflows. It offers both pre-built automation flows as well as the ability to customize flows based on your brand requirements.

Some pre-built automation flows offered by QuickReply.ai include -

  • Send order confirmation
  • Automate order status alerts

Provides an efficient collaborative inbox

With QuickReply.ai, you can collaborate with multiple team members in a single conversation thread using the same WhatsApp number. Each user can create their own unique inbox and assign different roles within the organization to make sure that everyone stays on top of customer support, sales, and marketing activities.
This way you can increase your customer satisfaction rate and save hours on manual work.

Here are a few reasons that make QuickReply.ai’s collaborative inbox a better alternative to Netcore -

  • Saves marketing agents time
  • Keeps everyone on the same page
  • Is less tedious
  • Lesser chances of repetition and mistakes
  • Faster responses to customers

Clean and easy-to-use interface

The main disadvantage of Netcore is that it can be very confusing for new users.

Netcore dashboards are pretty complex because of their multi functionalities. It is not user-friendly, and it takes time to learn how to use it.

QuickReply.ai is a simple and easy-to-use tool, which means that you don't have to worry about learning how to use it
The dashboard of QuickReply.ai is very simple with only a few tabs where all the features are available under one roof. You can easily navigate through it without having any trouble finding the exact feature you want to use at that moment or time.

Create custom templates based on your requirements

Both QuickReply.ai and Netcore provide you with an extravagant WhatsApp-approved message template library to send messages to your customers very easily.
With QuickReply.ai, you can also create custom templates and add branding elements like images, emoticons, emojis, and stickers.

This enables you to chat with your audience in a way that feels natural, without requiring them to leave the conversation.

The best part is that you can also set up a template with multiple text fields where you can insert different pieces of information about your business, products, or services.

You can also add images, videos, and GIFs in these templates so that users get the full picture. This makes it easier for them to engage with your brand as well as get more information about what you do without having to ask for it!

QuickReply.ai has a plug-and-play solution

QuickReply.ai is a ready-to-use WhatsApp Business API provider that comes with an easy-to-use interface, so you don't need to be a developer to use it.
QuickReply.ai is a true plug-and-play solution that can be integrated with your existing tech stack. It is a cloud-based service that works in real-time. It has no technical or hardware requirements and can be used by anyone with basic computer skills.

This makes it easy to get started.

Netcore requires some technical knowledge and it takes time to install. Additionally, you need to have some experience in web development to customize the app according to your needs.

Provide 24/7 quality customer support

Customers are bound to have doubts, queries, and questions throughout their buying journey. And how you, as a brand, tackle these incoming support requests is going to greatly impact the success and retention rate of your business.  

Nevertheless, customers may find the need to reach you at any time of the day (or night). To improve the quality of your customer support, you need to be there at all times; you need to provide 24x7 customer support.

QuickReply.ai lets you automate your conversations with customers on WhatsApp without having to send out personal replies manually every time. It delivers personalized messages based on what the user asks or types and provides 24x7 support within seconds!

QuickReply.ai comes with pre-trained eCommerce bots to handle the toughest of questions with timely responses to drive more sales. These include -

  • Welcome Bot, Product Browsing Bot
  • Discount Bot, Shipping Charges Bot
  • Order Tracking Bot, Order Cancellation Bot
  • COD availability Bot, Repeat Order Bot
  • Payment Options Bot, Contact Bot, Transfer Bot

Agent productivity improvement capabilities

QuickReply.ai offers a series of features that are designed for the needs of modern businesses. One such feature is the ability to enable your store’s customer support agents to see order and customer data along with chat history during conversations.

With the help of this feature, agents can answer more questions from customers in less time and with much more clarity. This improves the overall productivity, speed, and efficiency of your brand’s customer support.

Netcore, however, does not come with such efficiency.

Thus, to build long-term customer relationships and engage customers, QuickReply.ai is a better alternative to Netcore.

Which WhatsApp Business API provider should you choose? 

It all boils down to the quality of service you want to offer to your customers.

If you have been looking for an effective solution for managing your WhatsApp marketing campaigns, then look no further than QuickReply.ai! 

This powerful solution allows you to easily manage all aspects of your campaign effortlessly!

With QuickReply.ai you can create a personalized message to each of your leads and send it automatically. The best thing about this app is that it doesn’t require any programming skills or prior knowledge. 

All you need to do is set up a few rules and let the app work for you!

If you’re already using Netcore and looking for a better alternative, we, at QuickReply.ai, can help you set up and migrate without disrupting your business activities. ‍

Get started with QuickReply.ai by simply contacting us and we’ll do the rest for you.

Additional information about the WhatsApp Business API service providers

What is QuickReply.ai?

QuickReply.ai is a powerful WhatsApp Marketing app for Shopify. It is an end-to-end WhatsApp Business API Provider for eCommerce brands to take care of marketing, customer support, and more with smart automation and two-way communication. Some features of QuickReply.ai include:

  • QuickReply.ai helps promote sales, discounts, and deals through personalized messages
  • The app has automated abandoned cart recovery capabilities
  • Helps convert cash on delivery orders to prepaid by sending incentives via WhatsApp
  • It allows multiple team members to chat with customers over a single WhatsApp number
  • It sends real-time order updates to customers
  • 40+ pre-built eCommerce chatbots for a seamless customer journey

QuickReply.ai is a complete solution -  it integrates with your CRM, allows you to create templates based on your requirements, and offers advanced reporting on who, when, and how often your messages are opened.

What is Netcore?

Netcore Cloud is a global solutions provider that enables B2C brands to create great digital experiences for their customers. Netcore offers a range of products that help in acquisition, engagement, and retention. These include - App Push Notifications, In-App Messages, Web Push Notifications, Web Messages, Email, SMS, Voice, Whatsapp.

Since their focus is on offering more channels, they do not deep dive into all the features of the WhatsApp Business API - not making the most out of what the messaging app has to offer.

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