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QuickReply for Education

WhatsApp Business For Education

Crush your admission targets  with cost-effective lead generation on WhatsApp. Accelerate conversions with instant communication, and real-time updates. Engage students deeply with personalized, automated interactions. Maximize efficiency with QuickReply  analytics.

Education Industry WhatsApp Chatbot Flow

Manage student lifecycle on WhatsApp with all-time low CPC and CPA

Efficiently handle every stage of lead engagement on WhatsApp while minimizing your marketing costs.
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1. Leverage WhatsApp Ads to chat with students

Utilize Click-to-WhatsApp buttons on ad platforms to instantly capture leads interested in your educational offerings.
Leverage WhatsApp CTWA to chat with students - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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2. Optimize Web Conversions

Convert website visitors into potential leads by integrating WhatsApp widgets on key landing pages and during live events.
Optimize Web Conversions - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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3. Fixed Cost Retargeting

Retargeting website visitors on WhatsApp at just 90 paise per message. Get your promotions and announcements seen.
Fixed Cost Retargeting - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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4. Engage at Education Fairs

Use QR codes linked to WhatsApp chats at education fairs to instantly capture details of interested attendees.
Engage at Education Fairs - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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5. Capture Leads via Content

Offer downloadable educational content via WhatsApp after capturing contact details, enriching your lead database.
Capture Leads via Content - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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STUDENT Activation

6. Personalize First Contact

Send personalized welcome messages via WhatsApp to newly acquired contacts, setting the stage for ongoing engagement.
Personalize First Contact - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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STUDENT Activation

7. Segment and Target Messages

Classify new leads into segments based on their interests and engagement levels, tailoring follow-up messages to increase relevance.
Segment and Target Messages - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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STUDENT Activation

8. Interactive Content Delivery

Utilize interactive content like quizzes and surveys via WhatsApp to engage and learn more about the new leads.
Interactive Content Delivery - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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STUDENT Activation

9. Initiate Conversational Journeys

Start structured conversational journeys on WhatsApp to guide new leads through key information and next steps.
Initiate Conversational Journeys - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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STUDENT Activation

10. Early Engagement Offers

Send special offers or opportunities to engage early in the student journey, such as webinar invitations or trial classes.
Early Engagement Offers - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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STUDENT Onboarding

11. Streamline Documentation

Automate the collection of necessary documentation through WhatsApp, using chatbots to request, receive, and confirm document submissions.
Streamline Documentation - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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STUDENT Onboarding

12. Simplify Enrolment Processes

Guide new students through the enrollment process with step-by-step instructions and support directly through WhatsApp.
Simplify Enrolment Processes - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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STUDENT Onboarding

13. Welcome Orientation

Organize virtual orientation sessions through WhatsApp, sending links to live sessions and providing schedules and FAQs.
Welcome Orientation - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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STUDENT Onboarding

14. Initial Course Registration

Assist students in registering for their initial courses via WhatsApp, providing course options and registration deadlines.
Initial Course Registration - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
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STUDENT Onboarding

15. Continuous Engagement Loops

Set up continuous engagement loops that periodically check in with new students via WhatsApp, ensuring they are satisfied and fully integrated.
Continuous Engagement Loops - WhatsApp Usecase Flows for Education Industry
QuickReply Integrations for Education IndustryQuickReply Integrations Asset - Mobile
QuickReply.ai Solutions for education

Chat with your students where they want you to chat. Built for all types of institutions, big or small

Training Institutes Icon

Training Institutes

Manage your institute’s admissions and communications across locations easily with WhatsApp

EdTech Icon


Speed up responses and keep students engaged on your edtech platform with WhatsApp

Universities Icon


Empower university-wide communications with WhatsApp to facilitate seamless interactions from admissions to alumni relations

Career School Icon

Career Schools

Keep every student detail sorted and communicated smoothly through WhatsApp, from start to finish

Oversea Educations Icon

Overseas Education

Help your globetrotting students stay in the loop effortlessly with WhatsApp updates and supports

Higher Education Icon

Higher Education

Use WhatsApp to keep admissions chats going strong from hello to welcome aboard!

Experience the Future of Educational Communication

Book a demo today and see how QuickReply.ai can transform student engagement and streamline your communication processes.