How to Integrate WhatsApp with Shopify (A 2024 Guide)

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So, your Shopify store is up and running, and business is rolling. But if you’re not tapping into WhatsApp, you leave a lot of money on the table. Why?

WhatsApp is where your customers already are—most of the time—unlike other social platforms—integrating it with Shopify results in more orders, fewer abandoned carts, and personalized customer experiences that keep people returning.

WhatsApp marketing automation software like makes that integration seamless. Built on top of the official Business API, it’s a full-time assistant that connects your Shopify actions directly to WhatsApp, triggering automated responses to keep customers engaged.

Why WhatsApp Matters for Your Shopify Store

Okay, let’s skip the boring stats (we all know WhatsApp has a crazy high open rate). Let’s get into how your Shopify store can genuinely benefit from WhatsApp integration:

(Why WhatsApp matters for your Shopify store)

Personalized Marketing: Shopify lets you segment your customers in a zillion ways. With, you can send personalized messages at scale for each segment. For example, if you’ve got a segment of customers who’ve bought something but haven’t been back in a while, you can send them a friendly nudge with a discount to bring them back. It’s all automated, so you don’t have to move a finger.

(Example of a personalized marketing message)

Increase Orders: Have you ever noticed how a personalized shopping experience makes you more likely to hit that “buy” button? You’re not alone. 60% of consumers say they’re more likely to become repeat customers after a personalized experience. With, you can easily create these experiences, sending timely and personalized nudges that turn window shoppers into loyal customers.

(Personalized bulk messaging at scale with

Recover More Orders: Let’s face it, abandoned carts are every Shopify store owner’s nightmare. But what if you could automatically send a “Hey, you forgot something!” message with the abandoned product’s image, name, and even a discount code? does precisely that, integrating tightly with Shopify to trigger personalized recovery messages that convert. Customize the interval after which the message is triggered after the Shopify action or run two or three-step abandoned cart journeys for better conversions - offers customization possibilities based on your needs.

(Automate personalized abandoned cart recovery messages)

Fewer Returns with Proactive Order Updates: Nearly 70% of consumers say the ability to track orders is one of their top three considerations when buying a product online, and 56% said it was a top consideration when ordering a luxury item, according to the fourth annual Global eCommerce Consumer Research Report by Metapack. With WhatsApp, you can send proactive updates about shipping, delivery, and more, reducing return rates. helps you set this up effortlessly, keeping your customers informed and happy.

(Send proactive updates about shipping and delivery)

How to Integrate WhatsApp with Shopify

Now, let’s discuss the nitty-gritty. Think of as the bridge between Shopify and WhatsApp. It’s like Uncle Sam, but a good one—keeping tabs on everything around.

Every time a customer takes an action on Shopify (like adding an item to their cart or placing an order), takes note and triggers relevant WhatsApp messages.

The best part? It’s all automated. So, whether it’s a welcome message for a new subscriber or a reminder for an abandoned cart, has got you covered. Plus, it’s super easy to set up!

Here’s how to get started:

(How to Integrate WhatsApp with Shopify using
  1. Install the App:
    • Begin by searching for and installing the app from the Shopify App Store.
  2. Enter Required Details:
    • Once installed, you’ll be prompted to provide essential information, such as your email address, WhatsApp Business API number, and other relevant details.
  3. Schedule an Onboarding Meeting:
    • You’ll be prompted to schedule a meeting with a onboarding expert at the end of the setup. This session will understand your needs and guide you through the following steps to optimize the integration fully.

The video below is a step-by-step guide on how a Shopify store can integrate with WhatsApp using the app (available on the Shopify store).

What’s Possible After WhatsApp’s Integration with Shopify?

So, you’ve integrated WhatsApp with your Shopify store—now what? Here are the new doors this integration opens for your brand:

  • Run Personalized Broadcast Campaigns at Scale: Whether launching a new product or running a seasonal sale, you can broadcast personalized messages to your customers without spamming them. helps you do this at scale, ensuring the right people get the right message. You can filter out non-engaging contacts using’s Dead Audience Filtering to avoid wasteful spending and increase ROAS.
(Broadcast personalized messages to customers)
  • Automated Drip Campaigns: Nurture leads by setting up a series of automated messages that guide them through the buyer’s journey. Whether it’s welcoming a new subscriber or offering tips on product care, drip campaigns can keep your brand top of mind. allows you to trigger drip campaigns based on multiple data factors synced directly from Shopify, like orders, products, customer tags, and dozens more.
  • Chatbots (Keyword-Based and NLP):’s chatbots are your 24/7 customer support agents. They can answer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), guide customers through buying, and even upsell products based on past behavior. Here’s a low-down into what’s possible with these chatbots.
(’s chatbots are your 24/7 customer support agents)
  • Chat Widget for First-Party Data Collection: Place a WhatsApp chat widget on your website to collect first-party data. This is critical as cookie demise is now a matter of when and not if. When someone clicks, they’re redirected to WhatsApp, where they can chat with you directly. This not only helps gather valuable data but also converts hesitant shoppers.
  • Revenue Analytics: Track how much money you’re making from WhatsApp campaigns—whether it’s broadcasts, abandoned cart recovery, or drip campaigns.’s detailed analytics help you see what’s working and what’s not.
(Keep track of your WhatsApp spends and ROI)
  • ‍Recommendations via Catalog: Suppose a customer messages your WhatsApp number asking, "Show me your best skincare products." instantly springs into action. It fetches the most relevant skincare products (thanks to its watertight integration with Shopify) and sends them directly to the customer in a catalog—all within seconds. To borrow an example from offline stores, it’s that experienced employee who knows where everything is and recommends it to customers in a flash.
(Send catalog to customers withing seconds)
  • Purchase Journey and Payment within WhatsApp: Let’s say a customer asks for your best skincare products, and sends them a sleek catalog directly from your Shopify store. The process doesn’t end there. Customers can easily browse the options, select the product they want, and complete the purchase—all within their WhatsApp chat. They choose the product, confirm their selection, and pay immediately. Customers are more likely to abandon their purchase when they encounter friction—like complex checkouts or slow processes.
(Customers can pay within WhatsApp)

How Top D2C Brands Are Crushing It with WhatsApp-Shopify Integration

  • 1:1 Marketing with Micro-Segmentation: Shopify allows you to make micro-segments of your customer base based on purchase history, location, browsing behavior, and more. Once Shopify identifies the right segment, using, you can automatically trigger personalized WhatsApp messages tailored to each segment. For example, if a customer buys a white jacket, you can send a follow-up WhatsApp message suggesting a red t-shirt that perfectly complements their purchase. By syncing Shopify’s data with WhatsApp, these targeted offers reach customers at the right moment, making the marketing feel more personal and relevant while boosting conversion rates.
(Segment customers based on purchase history, location, browsing behavior and more)
  • 1:Many Marketing: When reaching a broader audience, big D2C brands know that broadcast and drip campaigns are key. But here’s the thing—nobody likes getting spammed with generic messages. That’s where brings the edge. It lets you take those broad campaigns and add a personal touch, so your messages feel more like thoughtful suggestions than a mass blast. Whether you’re announcing a new product line or nurturing leads over time, makes sure your broadcasts and drip campaigns on WhatsApp feel relevant and timely.
  • Sales and After-Sales Workflows: The customer journey doesn’t end at checkout. integrates smoothly with your Shopify store to manage everything from showcasing your catalog to handling “Where’s my order?” queries on WhatsApp. It also automatically triggers re-purchase reminders or cross-sell suggestions after a sale, encouraging customers to return or explore related products.
(Cross selling on WhatsApp)
  • ‍First-Party Data Collection: With cookies on their way out, brands are slowly realising the importance of first-party data. You can gather this data directly from customers using a WhatsApp chat widget. It’s not just about data collection; it’s about understanding your customers better and offering more personalized experiences. 53% of firms say first-party data provides the high-quality insights they need for effective personalization.
(WhatsApp widget on your website is a great tool to collect first-party data)
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Timing is everything when it comes to recovering abandoned carts. With, as soon as a customer leaves their cart behind, a personalized message is triggered to bring them back. This could be anything from a friendly reminder to a special discount. For example, Renee Cosmetics used’s 2-step recovery process to recover 37% of abandoned carts.
(How Renee Cosmetics recovered 37% of abandoned carts)
  • ‍Product Browsing Abandonment: It’s not just about abandoned carts—most customers browse products without adding anything to their cart. With, you can automatically send them a nudge to purchase those items. For example, Hair Originals used to re-engage 14% of these browsers, leading to a 10% increase in conversions.
(Engage product browsers, not just abandoners)
  • COD to Prepaid: With a return rate of 40% for COD orders, compared to the 20% average for all eCommerce orders (EasyInsights), reducing RTOs is a top priority for brands. addresses this by allowing brands to send targeted WhatsApp nudges that encourage COD customers to switch to prepaid and include a direct payment link with a clear CTA button. Auric used this strategy and converted 28% of their COD orders to prepaid, lowering RTO rates and boosting profitability.
(COD orders have a return rate of 40%)
  • Order Updates: That shopaholic friend who orders frantically during sales, and 83% of customers like them expect regular updates about their orders (Omnisend). With, you can send timely WhatsApp notifications at every stage, from order confirmation to delivery. These updates aren’t just informative; they’re interactive, with direct CTA buttons that let customers track their orders or reach out for support without leaving WhatsApp. Learn more about how can streamline your order updates.
(83% of customers expect regular updates about their orders)
  • Review Collection: Did you know 70% of customers will leave a review if you ask? With, you can do that through WhatsApp right after making a purchase. Plus, with its integration with and Loox, those reviews don’t just sit around—they get highlighted where they matter most, helping to build trust and showcase real customer experiences.
(70% of customers will leave a review if you ask)

Compliance and Best Practices

Let’s talk compliance—no one wants their account suspended, right? Here’s how to keep things in check:

  1. Monitor and Maintain Account Health: Monitor your account’s performance metrics and adjust your strategy if they look off.
  2. Slow Down Broadcasts if Needed: If your account health is slipping, it’s better to slow down rather than risk suspension.
  3. Opt-In Consent: Getting explicit customer opt-ins isn’t just a good idea; it’s a must.
  4. Easy Opt-Out Option: Always give customers a straightforward way to opt out. No one likes being stuck on a list they don’t want to be on. Or get ready for replies like “TAKE ME OFF YOUR LIST RIGHT NOW OR ELSE…” with an angry emoji.
  5. Don’t Share Data with Third-Party Apps: To maintain data integrity, keep customer data within trusted platforms like
  6. Handle Template Rejections Carefully: If your templates are rejected, return to the drawing board. Maybe it’s time to rethink your messaging approach.
(How to keep your WhatsApp account "healthy")

Integrating WhatsApp with your Shopify store doesn’t have to be complicated. With, you can easily automate customer interactions, reduce cart abandonment, and boost sales—all while keeping things personal. It’s straightforward, effective, and designed to help you connect with your customers where they are most active. If you’re ready to take your Shopify store to the next level, is here to help you make it happen.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I integrate WhatsApp with Shopify for free?

Free tools are available, but if you’re looking for something with robust features and scalability, is a better choice. It’s designed for businesses serious about growth and offers deeper integration, automation, and detailed analytics that free tools often lack.


What is the best WhatsApp integration for Shopify?

The best option is It’s built for D2C brands on Shopify and provides comprehensive features, including automated messaging, product retargeting, and detailed analytics, all at competitive pricing.


How do I set up WhatsApp order confirmation on Shopify?

With, setting up WhatsApp order confirmations is straightforward. The platform offers pre-built workflows that connect directly to your Shopify store, ensuring order confirmations are sent automatically and efficiently.


How do I add a ‘Buy on WhatsApp’ button to my Shopify store?

Adding a ‘Buy on WhatsApp’ button is easy with You can integrate a customizable button on your product pages, allowing customers to complete their purchase directly through WhatsApp, minimizing friction and boosting conversion rates.


How to integrate WhatsApp with Shopify in 2024?

Integrating WhatsApp with Shopify in 2024 is seamless with Start by installing the app from the Shopify App Store. Follow the prompts to link your WhatsApp Business API number, configure your settings, and schedule an onboarding session for personalized guidance.


What is the Shopify WhatsApp Catalog?

The Shopify WhatsApp Catalog lets you showcase your products directly within WhatsApp chats. With, you can automatically send personalized catalogs based on customer behavior or queries, making it easier for them to browse and purchase products without leaving the chat.


How do I add a WhatsApp button to my Shopify store?

Using, you can easily add a WhatsApp chat button to your Shopify store. This button can be customized to match your brand’s style and allows customers to reach out instantly via WhatsApp, enhancing customer engagement and support.


How to set up WhatsApp order confirmation on Shopify?

With, setting up WhatsApp order confirmations on Shopify is a breeze. The platform offers pre-built workflows that sync with your Shopify store, automatically sending order confirmations to your customers via WhatsApp.


How to use WhatsApp Business API with Shopify? makes integrating the WhatsApp Business API with Shopify simple. The platform handles the technical setup, allowing you to leverage WhatsApp's full power for automated messaging, customer support, and marketing—all integrated seamlessly with your Shopify store.


What’s the best WhatsApp integration for Shopify?

For comprehensive features, ease of use, and scalability, stands out as the best WhatsApp integration for Shopify. It’s specifically designed for D2C brands and offers everything from personalized messaging to detailed analytics, ensuring you get the most out of your WhatsApp marketing efforts.


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Turn 1 time visitor into repeat customer with WhatsApp marketing

Leverage the untapped growth potential of WhatsApp marketing to acquire and retain customers.