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Spent ₹8k to Earn ₹11 Lakh: The Wellness Shop's Tryst With WhatsApp Browse Abandonment Flows

Curious how The Wellness Shop turned window shoppers into buyers? See how QuickReply.ai’s WhatsApp browsing flows helped them get 1,792 orders.

Total Orders


Revenue Generated

₹11.07 Lakh

Messaging Cost

QuickReply.ai X The Wellness Shop Case Study
Beauty & Cosmetics
Product Retargeting

For a long time, marketing has revolved around traditional methods—catching customers’ attention while they browse.

Whether through TV ads, email campaigns, or banner ads, the game was always the same: marketers did their thing and then waited for customers to notice.

Then digital ads arrived—Google, Facebook, Instagram—and it felt like a breakthrough.

You could finally put your product before your audience, targeting them based on their habits, behaviors, and preferences.

But here’s the thing: even the perfect ad can’t guarantee attention.

You’re still waiting for the customer to stumble upon it, hoping they log into the platform where your ads run.

And it doesn’t stop there.

Even if your ad reaches them, you compete with hundreds of other brands for that precious few seconds of attention.

Especially during high-sale seasons—festivals, holidays—the costs skyrocket, and suddenly, you’re paying more for less.

That’s the challenge marketers are struggling with today.

But WhatsApp business messaging changed all that.

No more waiting for them to log in. No more fighting for their attention. And no bidding wars driving up your budget.

On WhatsApp, your message arrives right in their personal space.

Whether it’s 7 AM when they’re sipping coffee or 10 PM after a long day, they’re already there.

And you’ve got their undivided attention.

What’s more, you aren’t playing by the fluctuating costs of advertising.

Whether it’s the busiest shopping weekend or just a regular Tuesday, your message goes through. It's simple, direct, and personal.

The CTR on most traditional platforms hovers between 0.5% and 1% if you’re lucky.

But on WhatsApp, it’s a different story.

The engagement levels soar—with CTRs climbing up to 20%.

And then comes personalization. Yes, platforms like Google and Facebook allow targeting.

But on WhatsApp, you’re not just targeting—you’re talking to your customer by name. About the product they were looking at. Maybe even with an exclusive discount tailored just for them.

This was the challenge The Wellness Shop was facing.

They had a solid base of visitors—around 85,000 every month. Traffic wasn’t the problem.

The issue was that these visitors were browsing the site but left without adding products to their cart. They were showing interest, but it wasn’t translating into action.

That’s where things needed to shift.

The Wellness Shop needed a solution to help them break through this common barrier—a way to re-engage potential customers in a personal, timely, and cost-effective way.

Something beyond traditional marketing tactics, something that could convert passive browsers into active shoppers.

The Problem

The Wellness Shop had traffic. Lots of it. Around 85,000 visitors a month.

But traffic wasn’t the issue.

The real problem was that visitors were browsing the site, looking at products… and leaving—no cart additions, no purchases.

It’s a familiar story for many eCommerce brands.

Research shows the global add-to-cart rate is just 7%.

Most visitors look around but don’t take action.

Why? Customers are window shopping. They browse, compare, and then get distracted. Or they leave because they don’t feel the urgency to buy.

That’s where things needed to change.

Retargeting ads didn’t cut it. These methods rely on customers logging into Facebook or Instagram, hoping they’ll see the ad and return.

The Wellness Shop needed something more direct and immediate—a way to reach customers in real time—right when they’re browsing before they lose interest.

They needed to cut through the distractions and get those visitors to act.

The Solution

QuickReply.ai offered a targeted, automated approach.

They set up Product Browsing Abandonment Recovery Flows.

Here’s how it worked.

A WhatsApp message was triggered when a customer spent 15 seconds on a product page, like the Papaya Soap.

This message was sent after a 15-minute delay, giving the customer time to browse or think.

But there was one important requirement.

The customer had to share their WhatsApp number and accept cookies. This allowed tracking to work and personalized messages to be sent.

Now, let’s talk about the message.

It wasn’t generic. It was product-specific.

The Solution
(Decoding The Wellness Shop's product browsing abandonment messages on WhatsApp)

For example, if someone browsed the Papaya Soap, they’d get a message like this:

"Hey Vijai! We noticed you eyeing our Papaya Soap—excellent pick!"

A picture of the product was included, adding a visual reminder.

But that wasn’t all.

The message also offered a discount code. In this case, “WELLNESS10” to sweeten the deal.

And to make it easy, there was a simple CTA button“Avail Offer”—taking the customer straight back to the product page.

No friction. Just a clear, personalized nudge to complete the purchase.

The Results

The Product Browsing Abandonment Recovery Flows implemented by QuickReply.ai brought notable results for The Wellness Shop.

The Results

Here’s a detailed look at the numbers:

  • Total Revenue Generated: ₹1,107,077.67
  • Total Spent on Campaign: ₹7,911.25
  • Return on Investment (ROI): 13,993.71%

Now, let’s break down the conversions:

  • Total Orders: 1,792
  • Conversion Rate (Based on Unique Engagements): 67.42%

QuickReply calculates conversion by dividing the total number of orders (1,792) by unique engagements (2,658). This results in a 67.42% conversion rate.

Perfomance Stats

This method focuses on those customers who actively engaged with the WhatsApp message—whether through clicks or replies—offering a more precise view of re-engaged users converting into buyers.

But even when we calculate conversion using the traditional method, dividing total orders by the total messages delivered (23,487), the conversion rate is still an impressive 7.63%.

For context, the typical eCommerce conversion rate ranges between 2-4%. This shows how powerful personalized WhatsApp messaging can be in driving conversions.

Note: The messaging cost may have been lower as it could have been combined with a broadcast campaign. Meta only charges once within a 24-hour window for marketing messages. After that, additional messages sent within the same period are free, aligning with Meta’s policy.

Engagement Metrics:

  • Total Engagements: 3,232
    • Link Clicks: 2,094
    • Button Clicks: 246
    • Replies: 892
  • Unique Engagements: 2,658
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): 11.32%

Compared to the average CTR on platforms like Google or Facebook—which typically hover around 0.5-1%—QuickReply’s 11.32% CTR is a clear indicator of how effectively the flow engaged customers.

Perfomace Stats

Delivery Metrics:

  • Total Messages Sent: 30,681
  • Messages Delivered: 23,487
  • Messages Read: 19,721

With 19,721 messages read, the open rates for WhatsApp far exceed traditional email campaigns, which typically see open rates around 20%.

Let’s be honest—those numbers are hard to ignore. The Wellness Shop didn’t just recover abandoned sales; they turned casual browsers into paying customers, all thanks to QuickReply.ai.

So, if you’re ready to stop leaving money on the table and want to see results like these, why wait? Book a demo today. Your customers (and your revenue) will thank you.

Turn 1 time visitor into repeat customer with WhatsApp marketing

Leverage the untapped growth potential of WhatsApp marketing to acquire and retain customers.