WhatsApp Retention Playbook for Repeat Fashion Customers 2024

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The fashion e-commerce market is booming and is expected to reach a staggering $1.2 trillion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.5% from 2022 to 2027.

With this growth, fashion brands need to get creative to stay ahead.

Traditionally, brands have leaned on Facebook, Google Ads, Instagram (both paid and organic), influencers, email, and SMS to drive growth.

But, let’s be honest, these channels often fail to deliver that personalized touch.

Adding to the challenge, the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) on platforms like Meta and Instagram has skyrocketed—by 61% and 23% year-over-year, respectively.

This surge in costs is making brands rethink their marketing game plan.

Moving Away from Traditional Channels

Before Facebook and Instagram took over, email and SMS were the main ways direct-to-consumer (DTC) businesses connected with their loyal customers and reached out to new ones.

But, over time, these methods lost their sparkle.

The Decline of Email and SMS

Emails and SMS messages, often one-way conversations, struggled to keep customers interested.

Many brands spammed their audiences without thinking about their preferences, leading to what's known as channel fatigue.

As a result, emails stopped getting opened, and SMS became mostly about OTPs.

Personalization is crucial—over 70% of customers expect brands to tailor their shopping experiences and anticipate their needs.

Traditional channels didn’t offer a conversational feel (aside from Facebook and Instagram DMs, which lacked continuity and closeness to the customer).

Meta's WhatsApp Business API changes all that, offering much higher open rates (60%) and click-through rates (25-30%) [based on QuickReply.ai’s customer data].

The average WhatsApp user on Android spends 33.5 minutes per day on the app, making it a prime opportunity for brands to connect with their customers.

How to Use WhatsApp for Customer Retention in Fashion

We all know that keeping customers is way cheaper and more beneficial in the long run than constantly trying to get new ones.

A brand is 60-70% more likely to sell to an existing customer than just 20% for a new customer.

For fashion brands, retention is crucial because it builds loyalty and long-lasting relationships.

Brands that focus on retention as much as acquisition can create a loyal community that provides quick and reliable feedback and helps improve products.

Here’s how fashion brands can leverage WhatsApp marketing for customer retention:

1. Send Order Tracking Details

Customers love being kept informed about their orders every step of the way. This enhances their post-purchase experience.

Using WhatsApp to send these updates means they get the information quickly and have one place to check the latest status.

Order Tracking Details

Fashion brands can use the WhatsApp Business API to send utility messages, saving time and ensuring the messages are relevant.

Personalized updates, like when an order is out for delivery or has been delivered, give customers peace of mind and set your brand apart.

Sample Template:

Hi [Customer Name],

Great news! Your order with ID [Order #] is now [Order Status].

[Order Status Details]:

[If Out for Delivery] - Your order is on its way and should arrive today. Our delivery agent will contact you shortly to confirm the delivery.

[If Delivered] - Your order has been successfully delivered. We hope you are enjoying your purchase.

You can track the latest updates on your order here: [Insert Tracking Link].

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for choosing [Brand Name].

Best regards,

[Brand Name] Customer Service Team

2. Seek Customer Reviews on WhatsApp

Gathering customer feedback through surveys and polls on WhatsApp is a fantastic way to improve your products and enhance the customer experience.

When customers see that their opinions matter, it builds trust and loyalty.

Customer Reviews on Whatsapp

With QuickReply.ai's integration with Judge.me and Loox, feedback collected on WhatsApp is automatically sent to these review platforms.

This boosts the visibility of customer reviews and simplifies the review management process, making it easier for potential customers to see genuine feedback and make informed decisions.

Don't hesitate to ask for feedback—it's crucial for helping potential customers decide whether to buy from your brand.

Sample Template:

Hi [Customer Name],

Thanks for shopping with [Brand Name]! We hope you’re loving your recent purchase. We’d love to hear what you think about our products and services.

Your feedback helps us improve and deliver a better shopping experience for you and others. Please take a moment to share your thoughts.

Share your feedback here: QuickReply buttons {Outstanding, Good, Bad, Poor}

Thank you,

[Brand Name] Team

3. Send Personalized Product Recommendations

Using WhatsApp to send personalized product suggestions can significantly boost customer retention and loyalty.

According to McKinsey, personalization can increase revenue by 10 to 15% and improve customer retention rates by 10 to 20%.

Personalized Product Recommendations

Customers who receive recommendations that match their likes and preferences are more likely to return for more.

Fashion brands can leverage data and AI to analyze customers' purchase history, browsing habits, and interests to provide relevant suggestions.

This method increases customer engagement and makes their shopping experience more enjoyable.

Sample Template:

Hi [Customer Name],

We noticed you recently bought [Product Name] and think you’ll also love [Recommended Product].

[Recommended Product] offers [insert product details and features], which is a perfect fit for your style.

Discover more suggestions here: [Insert Product Link].

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.

Best wishes,

[Brand Name]

4. Send Broadcasts That Match Purchase Preferences

Creating WhatsApp campaigns that align with your customers' preferences can significantly boost their engagement and increase the frequency of their visits.

Tailored campaigns make customers feel appreciated and foster loyalty. When designing your campaigns, consider factors like location, age, and interests.

Broadcasts that match Preferences

For example, you might target women in specific regions or younger shoppers to the latest trends.

By understanding what your customers like, you can craft WhatsApp campaigns that drive sales and enhance their overall shopping experience.

Sample Message:

Hi [Customer Name],

Don’t miss out on our latest arrivals!

Explore our new collection and exclusive offers here: [Insert Product Link or Sale Information].

We’re excited to help you find your next favorite item.


[Brand Name]

5. Simplify Returns, Exchanges, and Refunds

Fashion and apparel brands often face numerous post-purchase requests, such as order cancellations, returns, and refunds.

According to a survey by Endicia, about 72% of consumers prefer shopping on eCommerce websites that offer easy return processes.

Make it simple for customers to handle these actions, ensuring a smooth experience.

Returns, Exchanges, Refund

Typically, customers must contact the brand through the website, request a return, exchange, or refund, and then wait for further instructions via email or text.

A complicated process can discourage customers from returning to your brand.

By using QuickReply.ai’s smart chatbots, fashion brands can automate these requests from the start, providing customers with a seamless and efficient experience.

Streamlining this process boosts customer satisfaction and encourages repeat business.

Example Template:

Hi [Customer Name],

We understand you'd like a refund for your purchase of [Product Name].

Please select your preferred refund method below: QuickReply buttons

Thank you for shopping with [Brand Name].

Best regards,

[Brand Name] Customer Service Team

Understanding Key Shopify Segments for Retention Marketers

To better utilize WhatsApp for customer retention, it's essential to understand the different customer segments for e-commerce brands on Shopify. Each segment requires a unique approach to maximize engagement and loyalty. Here’s an overview of the key Shopify customer segments and strategies for retaining each.

Overview of Shopify Customer Segments

  • Repeat Customers
    • Who They Are:
      • Customers who have made multiple purchases from your store and are familiar with your brand.
    • Retention Strategies:
      • Personalized Recommendations: Use data on their previous purchases to suggest new or complementary products.
      • Exclusive Offers: Reward their loyalty with special discounts or early access to new arrivals.
      • Loyalty Programs: Enroll them in a loyalty program where they can earn points for every purchase and redeem them for rewards.
    • Example WhatsApp Message:
      • Hey [Customer Name]! As a thank you for being a loyal customer, enjoy 20% off your next purchase with code LOYALTY20. Check out our new arrivals here: [Shop Link]*
  • High-Value Customers
    • Who They Are:
      • Customers who have spent a significant amount of money on your store and are often the most profitable segment.
    • Retention Strategies:
      • VIP Treatment: Provide exclusive benefits like personalized customer service, special gifts, or invitations to VIP events.
      • Early Access: Offer early access to sales, new collections, or limited-edition products.
      • Regular Engagement: Keep them engaged with updates, behind-the-scenes content, and personalized messages.
    • Example WhatsApp Message:
      • Hi [Customer Name], as one of our top customers, enjoy exclusive early access to our upcoming sale. Shop now: [Shop Link]
  • Lapsed Customers
    • Who They Are:
      • Customers who haven’t purchased in a while may have forgotten about your brand.
    • Retention Strategies:
      • Win-Back Campaigns: Send personalized messages with special discounts to entice them back.
      • Re-engagement Content: Share new product highlights, positive reviews, or brand updates.
      • Incentives for Feedback: Ask why they haven’t shopped recently and offer a small incentive.
    • Example WhatsApp Message:
      • Hi [Customer Name], we miss you! Here’s 15% off your next purchase to welcome you back. Use code WELCOME15. Check out our new arrivals: [Shop Link]
  • Engaged Customers
    • Who They Are:
      • Customers who frequently interact with your brand but may not make frequent purchases.
    • Retention Strategies:
      • Engagement Rewards: Offer small perks like exclusive content or discounts for their engagement.
      • Community Building: Invite them to join a VIP group or online forum.
      • Interactive Campaigns: Run contests, polls, or interactive content.
    • Example WhatsApp Message:
      • Hey [Customer Name], join our VIP community for exclusive deals and sneak peeks! [Join Link]
  • Subscription Customers
    • Who They Are:
      • Customers who subscribe to regular product deliveries or services.
    • Retention Strategies:
      • Personalized Communication: Regularly update them on subscription status and exclusive deals.
      • Value-Added Services: Offer benefits like personalized styling tips or special subscriber discounts.
      • Feedback Loop: Seek feedback to improve your subscription service.
    • Example WhatsApp Message:
      • Hi [Customer Name], your next [Product Name] delivery is scheduled for [Delivery Date]. Enjoy an additional 10% off any add-on purchases this month. Shop now: [Shop Link]

WhatsApp Marketing Strategies for Repeat Customers

Engaging repeat customers through a well-timed and personalized WhatsApp campaign can significantly enhance their loyalty and shopping experience.

Here’s a day-wise plan to effectively engage your repeat customers over two weeks.

Day 1: Personalized Recommendations

Kick off your engagement strategy by sending personalized product recommendations. Analyzing their previous purchases and browsing behavior helps you suggest new or complementary products that match their preferences. This makes customers feel valued and increases the likelihood of repeat purchases.

Personalized Recommendation

Example Campaign Copy:

Hi [Customer Name],

We noticed you loved [Product]. You might also like some of these items: [Product Link].

Happy shopping!

[Brand Name]

Day 3: Exclusive Offers

Send exclusive offers to your repeat customers three days after the initial engagement. Rewarding them with special discounts or early access to new arrivals makes them feel appreciated and encourages further purchases.

Exclusive Offers

Example Campaign Copy:

Thank you for being a loyal customer! Use code LOYALTY20 to enjoy 20% off your next purchase. Shop now at [Shop Link].

We appreciate your continued support!

[Brand Name]

Day 5: Loyalty Programs

Introduce your loyalty program on day five to incentivize repeat purchases. Allow customers to earn points for every purchase, which can be redeemed for exclusive rewards. This creates a system that encourages continuous engagement.

Loyalty Programs

Example Campaign Copy:

Join our loyalty program and earn 100 points for every purchase! Redeem points for exclusive rewards: [Loyalty Program Link].

Start earning today!

[Brand Name]

Day 7: Tailored Content

Send content that aligns with customers' interests and past interactions a week into your campaign. This could include personalized style guides, lookbooks, or articles that resonate with their tastes, keeping them engaged and excited about your brand.

Tailored Content

Example Campaign Copy:

Our latest collection matches your style: [Product Link].

We think you'll love these new arrivals!

[Brand Name]

Day 10: Customer Appreciation Messages

Send thank-you messages or small gifts to show appreciation for repeat customers. This gesture makes customers feel valued and connected to your brand, fostering a loyal community.

Customer Appreciation Message

Example Campaign Copy:

Hi [Customer Name],

Thank you for your continued support! As a token of our appreciation, enjoy a special gift with your next purchase: [Gift Link].

We value you as a part of our community!

[Brand Name]

Day 14: Exclusive Content and Previews

Wrap up your two-week engagement plan by giving your repeat customers a sneak peek into upcoming collections or exclusive content. This builds anticipation and excitement around new launches and makes them feel special.

Exclusive Content And Previews

Example Campaign Copy:

Hi [Customer Name],

Get an exclusive first look at our upcoming collection! Be the first to shop our new arrivals: [Preview Link].

We’re excited to share this with you!

[Brand Name]

Engaging repeat customers through WhatsApp can significantly enhance customer retention and build long-term loyalty. Fashion brands can create a meaningful connection with their customers by leveraging personalized communication, timely updates, and tailored offers.

If you’re looking for a D2C-focused WhatsApp marketing solution that understands the e-commerce industry inside and out, check out QuickReply.ai.

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Turn 1 time visitor into repeat customer with WhatsApp marketing

Leverage the untapped growth potential of WhatsApp marketing to acquire and retain customers.