How to Add a WhatsApp Chat Button to Shopify Store [2024]

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One of the easiest ways to redirect customers from your website to your WhatsApp number is to place a WhatsApp widget or button on the website.

It’s similar to how a salesperson takes you around an offline store, shows you the product, answers your queries, and once you are satisfied, you buy the product.

Online stores don’t always have people available, but customer queries remain. The WhatsApp widget and Chat widget on your website can solve this.

This blog will focus on the WhatsApp widget and how your brand can benefit from it.

Benefits of Adding a WhatsApp Button to Shopify

Adding a WhatsApp button to your Shopify store offers a host of benefits that go beyond just chat. Here’s why it’s a smart move:

  1. Instant Resolution of Customer Queries: When customers have questions, they expect quick answers. With's AI-powered chatbots, you can provide instant, 24/7 support.

    For instance, if a customer is unsure about product sizing, they can click the WhatsApp button and get an immediate response from the chatbot, which can even suggest similar products. This quick interaction not only keeps customers engaged but also reduces abandoned carts.
  2. Increased Conversion Rates: Customers feel more at ease knowing they can reach out directly if something goes wrong. A quick chat on WhatsApp can make all the difference between an abandoned cart and a completed purchase.
  3. Collection of First-Party Data: As third-party cookies fade, collecting first-party data becomes crucial. WhatsApp lets you gather valuable insights directly from customer interactions, giving you a clearer picture of who they are and what they need.
(Adding a WhatsApp button to your Shopify store offers a host of benefits)

Ways to Add WhatsApp to Shopify

There are two ways to add a WhatsApp button to your Shopify store:

  1. App-Based Integration (No-code): The simplest way to get started, with plenty of apps on the Shopify store that handle everything for you.
  2. Manual Integration (Involves Coding): For those who prefer more control, you can manually add a WhatsApp button using some code.

Using a Shopify App for Integration

Download a Shopify app if you’re looking for a hassle-free way to integrate WhatsApp with your Shopify store. These apps offer quick installation, easy customization, and advanced features like automated responses and analytics. Among the options, stands out as a top choice.

It handles basic tasks like adding a WhatsApp button and provides deeper functionalities like CRM integration, personalized bulk messaging, product retargeting, and revenue attribution.

Here is a step-by-step process for adding a WhatsApp widget to your Shopify store on the dashboard.

Adding WhatsApp Button Manually

If you want more control, manually adding a WhatsApp button to your Shopify store is straightforward. Here’s how you can do it without diving too deep into code:

  1. Prepare Your WhatsApp Link:
    • First, you’ll need a unique link that connects to your WhatsApp. It looks like this:, where YourNumber is your phone number, including the country code.
  2. Access Your Theme:
    • Go to your Shopify dashboard, head to the “Themes” section under “Online Store,” and find the option to edit your theme.
  3. Add the Button:
    • Within your theme settings, you’ll find a place where you can add custom elements (often in the footer or header). You paste your WhatsApp link here and add an image or text that says, “Chat with us on WhatsApp.”
  4. Customize the Look:
    • You can change the button's appearance by choosing different colors, sizes, or positions within the theme’s customization settings. Some themes even allow you to place the button in specific locations, like the bottom-right corner.
  5. Test It Out:
    • Preview your store once you’ve added your button to ensure everything looks good. Then, click the button to ensure it opens WhatsApp and is ready to chat.
  6. Consider Pre-Filled Messages:
    • Want to make it even easier for your customers? You can set it up so that a message is already typed out when they click the button, like “Hello, I have a question about your products.”
(Step-by-step guide on how to add WhatsApp button to Shopify store manually)

How to Customize Your WhatsApp Button

Customization is key when adding a WhatsApp button to your Shopify store. Everything should align with your brand’s look and feel, from the button's design to its messaging.

With, you can go a step further by setting up smart chatbots that recognize where a customer came from, like a specific product page, and respond accordingly.

For instance, if a customer clicks the WhatsApp button from a product page, the chatbot can immediately provide relevant information about that product, creating a personalized experience.

(WhatsApp chat button customization options available with

You can change the button type, color, text, alignment, padding, and more with

Common Issues to Consider Before Adding A WhatsApp Widget

When adding a WhatsApp button to your Shopify store, there are a few potential issues that brands need to be aware of:

  1. No Tracking of Where the User Came From (Which URL): One limitation of using a WhatsApp chat widget is that it doesn’t inherently track which page or URL the user was on before initiating a chat. It is challenging to understand which pages drive the most engagement and leads.

    However, offers an option to include the current URL in the pre-filled WhatsApp message. This feature can help identify the exact page the user came from.

    That said, if the user decides to erase the pre-filled message and write their query, this method won’t work, and you’ll lose the ability to track the originating page.
  2. No Data Syncing Between WhatsApp and Google Analytics (GA): Another issue is the lack of user-level data syncing between WhatsApp and Google Analytics.

    While you can track the number of chats initiated, the data often stops there, leaving little insight into user behavior, such as who sent a message or what actions they took afterward.

    This disconnect can limit your ability to create comprehensive reports and make data-driven decisions.

Let’s Wrap It Up

Adding a WhatsApp button to your Shopify store is a no-brainer for better customer engagement and support. Whether you use an app or manually add it, it’s a quick win for your business. And if you want to keep things simple while getting more out of it, has everything you need to make it happen smoothly. Book a demo today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to add WhatsApp button on Shopify for free?

There are free options, but for a feature-rich experience, is your best bet. It’s built specifically for Shopify and offers robust features at an affordable price.

How to add 'Order on WhatsApp' button in Shopify?

With, you can easily add a ‘Buy on WhatsApp’ button to your product pages. This button lets customers complete their purchases directly through WhatsApp, reducing friction and boosting conversions.


How to change WhatsApp number on Shopify?

With, changing your WhatsApp number is straightforward. You're ready to update your WhatsApp Business API number within the app.


Best WhatsApp app for Shopify? is the top choice for Shopify. It offers everything from automated messaging to detailed analytics, making it the ideal solution for D2C brands.


Shopify WhatsApp integration: Catalog

With, you can automatically send personalized product catalogs based on customer behavior or queries, making it easier for customers to browse and purchase products directly through WhatsApp.


Shopify floating WhatsApp button

With, adding a floating WhatsApp button is easy. Customize its design, position, and messaging to match your brand and provide instant customer support anytime.


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