Click to WhatsApp Ads And Optimization For More Conversions

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WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in the world. With more than 1 billion people using WhatsApp every day, the messaging platform is used by more people than Facebook Messenger and WeChat combined! In fact, its user base is growing by more than 1 million users every single day.

It's no wonder brands are flocking to the platform to connect with customers.

WhatsApp enables conversational commerce, allowing brands to build more personalized relationships with consumers through messaging apps that offer rich, real-time interactions - even when they’re running ad campaigns.

How? By using Click to WhatsApp Ads.

What are click to WhatsApp ads?

Click to WhatsApp ads are a new way for advertisers to attract customers and build their brand. They are like regular ads, except they encourage the user to reach out using the WhatsApp messaging app. The ad is a button that says "Message us on WhatsApp," and when a user clicks it, they can then send you a message through the app.

With Click to WhatsApp ads, you can reach the 1.5 billion people who use WhatsApp on a daily basis. You can also make it easy for customers to reach you through WhatsApp so that you can build more meaningful relationships with your customers, subtly moving them along the funnel towards making a purchase.

Here’s what a typical click to WhatsApp ad looks like:

This type of ad is great for businesses that are already using WhatsApp as part of their marketing strategy or have a large customer base in other countries where WhatsApp is significantly more popular than Facebook Messenger. It's also helpful for businesses that offer customer support via WhatsApp, but don't necessarily want to list their phone number publicly.

Why should you explore Click-to-WhatsApp ads?

Businesses should explore click-to-WhatsApp ads because they allow them to meet their customers where they already are.

The average user spends more than two hours per day on WhatsApp, and the app is used by more than 1.6 billion people worldwide. If you can find your audience on the platform and connect with them there, you can make a huge impression without having to worry about distracting users with irrelevant content.

It's also a great way to cut through the noise of social media since WhatsApp has fewer ads than other platforms. That means it's easier for your ad to stand out, and your potential customers are more likely to focus on it rather than be distracted by competing brands.

Here are some WhatsApp marketing statistics to support the power of using WhatsApp for your business

- Commanding a 2 billion strong WhatsApp user base across the globe, businesses can tap into a vast consumer audience if they sell via WhatsApp.  

- Connect with your customers on their favorite apps and you'll transform your customer relationships. One study has found that over 55% of people feel more connected to a brand if they connect with the brand on messaging apps.

- Consumers want to message businesses and interact with them before making a purchase. In an age of instant gratification, people are looking for the same thing from their experiences with brands. They want to be able to contact you whenever they want, from wherever they are, and get an immediate response. Because of this, businesses that incorporate messaging into their marketing strategy can expect a great return on investment (ROI).

- 38% of consumers say a good chat session incentivizes them to make a purchase from a business.

- WhatsApp allows businesses to maintain a conversational relationship with their customers. Conversational relationships with customers help businesses stay connected to their audience and keep them up-to-date with product improvements, changes, and new features.  This not only boosts customer retention but also reduces costs of customer acquisition by 5-25 times.

Different Ways To Use Click to WhatsApp Ads

Here are six ways your eCommerce business can use click-to-WhatsApp ads to grow:

1. Getting To Know Your Customers Better

If you're running an eCommerce business, then click-to-WhatsApp ads could be exactly what you need to increase conversions and build better relationships with customers.

With a click-to-WhatsApp ad, you can ask customers for feedback—or even their birth date or location. This can help you provide them with store-specific deals and discounts or offer personalized content on their special days.

With CTAs, you can ask your customers questions about their preferences in real-time while they're ordering products or taking appointments or bookings from your business. This helps you serve your customers better, which means happier customers and more repeat business in the long run.

2. Taking Orders And Bookings On WhatsApp

If you want to make it easier for customers to order from your business, click-to-WhatsApp ads can be just the thing. Once they click on the ad, your customers will immediately be able to talk with an actual representative of your business and make their purchase through them.

You can also use WhatsApp's tools for sending photos, audio messages, videos, and more to show off your products in action and convince customers that what you're selling is really worth their time and money. With WhatsApp you can:

- Instantly respond to customer queries and take orders/bookings on WhatsApp

- Provide a seamless booking experience for your customers and save them the hassle of calling up or visiting your website

3. Taking Pre-orders/Pre-bookings

Launching a limited-edition product or a new collection? Take pre-orders through click-to-WhatsApp ads.

When you create a click-to-WhatsApp ad, you can use it to capture consumer intent and interest in the product or collection that’s about to launch. Then you can share details of the new product with them through conversation on WhatsApp, where you can also secure the pre-order/pre-booking.

It’s an easy way to advertise your products, get people excited about what you’re doing, and capture sales before the product is even available.

4. Offer Shopping Assistance

Consumers expect to have access to information and assistance at their fingertips. Adding click-to-WhatsApp to your ads makes it easier for consumers to reach out if they need help with sizing, product recommendations or simply have a question.

Create a 'shop with me' experience for your customers via WhatsApp. Guide them through the shopping process by sending product recommendations, sharing sizes, colors, and more in real-time. Using the app, they can start a conversation with someone on your team who can provide them with the information they need!

Learn more about WhatsApp for customer support here.

5. Recovering Abandoned Carts

Click-to-WhatsApp ads are the perfect way to bring your customers back from an abandoned cart.

By using click-to-WhatsApp ads, you can connect with your customers in real-time and offer personalized help. Instead of taking the visitor back to the page they left your website from, you can start up a conversation and ask them why they left their cart behind.

Were they confused about shipping options? Did they have questions about product compatibility? There are many reasons why shoppers abandon their carts, and if you don't know which one applies to you, then it's time to ask!

Once you understand why they left their cart, you can offer personalized recommendations on products that will fit their needs!

These recommendations are especially helpful for visitors who may not have known what they were looking for in the first place. You can send them links to specific products or collections that will help them complete their purchase.

Learn more about WhatsApp cart recovery here.

6. Take Customizations Requests

If you sell customized products, building a conversation through WhatsApp can increase your chances of conversion by allowing your customers to ask questions or receive guidance about the product and make sure it's exactly what they want.

Instead of getting the customer to browse through your website, use Click-to-WhatsApp ads to start conversations with defined questions and choices using the different features of interactive messages available through the WhatsApp Business API.

Not only will this help you get potential customers to your website faster, it will also increase your chances of conversion by letting them customize their orders right away.

How To Optimize Your Click To WhatsApp Ads For More Conversions

WhatsApp is a great way to reach potential customers, but it can be difficult to convert those initial conversations into sales. These tips will help you optimize your click to WhatsApp ads so you can lead more customers down the sales funnel.

1. Set Up A Welcome Message

Create a welcome message that will automatically be sent to users who click on your WhatsApp ad. Doing so will reinforce the offer they saw and showed interest in and prevent people from walking away by initiating a conversation quickly. The welcome message should inform users of the purpose of your WhatsApp business account, and encourage them to ask any questions they may have.

For example, you could say "Hi! Thanks for clicking our ad and connecting with us via WhatsApp. Feel free to ask us any questions you have about our product or service!"

Once you've set up your welcome message, automate responses based on keywords that users send to your business. For example, if a user sends "where are you located", then set up an automated response that includes the address of your store or office.

2. Use Interactive Messages To Create A Buying Journey On WhatsApp

Interactive messages are one way to take advantage of the familiarity WhatsApp provides and create a personalized buying journey for your customers.

Interactive messaging allows you to create a conversation-like buying experience for your customers on WhatsApp. Your customers can respond directly to your messages and navigate through the catalog of products and services you offer.

When you send out a product catalog, you can include buttons inside the messages that allow customers to click on specific items they're interested in and receive more information. The buttons help ease and fasten the conversion process and give a subtle nudge to the consumer in the desired direction. By combining interactive messages with automation, you can create a complete buying journey.

For example, if your business is an e-commerce store and your customer wants to order a product, they can follow the steps below:

- The customer sends a message to the business’s WhatsApp number

- The business responds with a menu of product categories

- The customer selects a category

- The business responds with products in that category

- The customer selects a product and adds it to their cart

- The customer checks out

3. Send Automated Follow-ups

Automating follow-ups is a great way to ensure you're getting the most out of your click-to-WhatsApp campaigns.

It's counterintuitive, but even if a consumer doesn't convert after clicking on your ad, there's still an opportunity! It means they have interest and intent—and you can use automation to address any anxiety or queries they might have.

Let's say, for example, that the consumer didn't convert because they weren't sure of the quality of the product they were looking at. Set up an automated follow-up that shares reviews from other customers or content with product info. This helps address customer anxiety about making a purchase and can help you get more conversions.

4. Explore Using Telesales

One way to optimize your ads is to explore using telesales along with WhatsApp marketing.

Telesales and WhatsApp marketing can go hand-in-hand. You can explore using telesales along with WhatsApp marketing to confirm orders, answer questions, and conclude transactions faster.

Your ads can direct people to WhatsApp, where they'll have a conversation with someone who can answer all their questions and help them make a decision. This will help you move things along quickly, and add a human conversational touch as well.

Taking orders over the phone adds a personal touch that helps you stand out in an increasingly impersonal world. It also gives you the opportunity to up-sell or cross-sell related products as you take down all of the details about their order, which can help you increase your average order value.

5. Use Broadcasts To Keep Them Engaged

WhatsApp broadcasts are a great way to keep your customers engaged, with very little effort! If your customers do not interact or buy at all after clicking on the ad, use WhatsApp to send broadcasts around other deals and discounts to stay on top of their minds.

Using WhatsApp broadcasts, you can set up a one-time or recurring bulk message broadcast campaign to stay on top of your customer’s minds and entice them to buy from your online store. These messages get delivered as individual messages that customers can respond to directly.

Want to promote a sale? Send out a broadcast and let everyone know, right when it's happening. Want to share some exciting news with your customers? Share it through the broadcast, and get them excited about what you have planned for the future. Want to keep your customers in the loop about important changes that will affect them? Send out a broadcast!

With WhatsApp broadcasts, you're able to keep your customers engaged in real time and get them involved with what's happening in your business.


Curious about how you can use WhatsApp to grow your business?

Well, look no further. is a platform that takes the best of WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Business API features and lets you use them to create a more engaging experience for your customers.

Whether you want to set up automatic responses to frequently asked questions or get notified when a customer messages you on WhatsApp,  has it all! You don't need any coding skills or complicated backend systems—just sign up, connect your business profile, and start using this powerful tool right away!


1. Do WhatsApp ads increase conversions?

Ans: Yes, WhatsApp ads allow you to target a specific audience and get them interested in your brand. Once they've seen your ad and clicked on it, they'll be directed to a landing page where they can convert.

2. How do I run advertisements on WhatsApp?

Ans: In the Message destination section, select WhatsApp.

a) Select your target audience, placements, and schedule.

b) Choose your ad's images, text, and headline. To publish your Click-to-WhatsApp ad, click Confirm.

c) To publish your Click to WhatsApp ad, click Confirm.

3. Are WhatsApp ads effective?

Ans: Yes, WhatsApp ads can be targeted by age group, gender, location, time zone, and much more. With this kind of targeting, you can get your message across to the right people at the right time.

Book a demo today.

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